Side note from yesterday's photo: Fixed the shutter today! (: I was so happy it wasn't permanent. Too bad I fixed it a day late.
For today's photo: Love how this turned out, during I didn't think it would turn out as good because it wasn't exactly how I imagined. The only thing I dislike is how it kind of looks like i'm staring at the ground, it was either that or it looking like my eyes were closed. Also I can't play the guitar, so I didn't really think of how dumb my hands would look posed like that, and I hope I didn't just point that out. Just thought I'd say it.
Oh, also I don't know if it's too small to see, but those are music notes on the tree.

Project reflection:
-This project definently helped me grow a lot. Before this project I took a picture like once a month. At the beggining of this project I didn't even own a macro lens or had ever even used a lens in general. About a few weeks in I finally did get a lens. After I got the macro lens I saw the world through and entirely different view. Slowly every little flower/other misc objects I passed, I saw as a beautiful item I could turn into a photo. I've also learned a lot more about fashion photography. I really love it now, and didn't really ever see me taking fashion-like photography. Now I can see myself into it. I have learned a lot about editing. Like the levitation trick, I love it. Even just three days ago I learned an awsome trick. Still have a lot to learn, but I really didn't know that much about both taking and mainly editing the pictures before this project, besides the basics.
-Like I had hoped to coming into this, I have accomplished a lot. I even got one of my photo's featured in a project on the other side of the world from me.
-I would also like to thank my sister and mother because without them I wouldn't have been able to do this project. And I would like to thank anyone who visited, I definently didn't think i'd get 600+ visitors and 3,800+ page views. Or double digits from other countries, haha. I think that's pretty cool. So thank you (:
Also I've decided to make this into a regular blog. So in a few weeks i'll probably start posting pictures again.